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Traditional vs VR training: a hard choice or hardly a choice?

Traditional vs VR training: a hard choice or hardly a choice?

Virtual Reality (VR) is defined as a simulated experience that allows the user to experience the virtual world in an immersive manner by employing 3D displays and using pose-tracking technology. In recent years, VR has gained considerable space in various fields like entertainment and education. Especially in the field of education, the main question remains whether VR can substitute the traditional, face to face onsite training in sectors like healthcare, preparedness etc. Is the choice between traditional and VR training hard or is it hardly a choice?

Traditional Training: Everybody knows and loves it

Traditional training has many aspects, employed at will and adjusting based on the conditions. It can vary from in-person instruction and lectures to hands-on practice and mentoring. The main benefits of traditional training can be summarized in the following:

  1. In-person engagement: The direct interaction between trainers and trainees, or even the trainees among themselves is considered to be one of the main beneficial aspects to facilitate knowledge gain and retention. Trainees have the opportunity to ask questions on the spot, learn by observing and peer discuss the ideas presented. Trainers, on the other hand, can adjust their teaching style based on the audience, thus enabling a two-way communication process.
  2. Real-world conditions: Learning by doing is one of the key aspects of traditional training. When possible, training in real-world settings offers the unique opportunity to trainees to identify risks and learn decision-making under pressure.
  3. It works: Traditional training methods have been proven to work overtime, in different conditions and through the advancement of technology.

Besides the considerable advantages of traditional, in-person training, there are some as important limitations that cannot be overlooked.

  1. Increased costs: Organizing in person training sessions can be a financial nightmare, especially in the fields of healthcare and preparedness, where real-world simulations, dedicated facilities and props are required.
  2. Time consuming: Traditional training sessions’ duration can vary, adding up to even hour-long sessions, depending on the topic and the number of trainees involved.
  3. Scalability issues: For large organizations, scaling up training sessions to accommodate a large number of trainees with different needs and skills can prove to be an organizational nightmare.

VR comes to offer the solution and address those limitations once and for all.

VR training: The gamechanger

When it comes to VR, the advantages are so many, that would result in a colossal list too hard to read. Focusing on the ones that directly battle traditional training, the focus goes to:

  1. Immersive learning: VR offers the unique advantage of immersing its users in high-quality simulated environments, allowing them to actively participate in real-life scenarios. This type of experiential learning offers the trainees the opportunity to practice in real-time, increasing skill retention and enhancing memory gain. By offering this type of immersive learning makes VR the gold standard for practical skills’ practice.
  2. Cost-effective: Although the initial cost for the development of VR training can be high, the technology requires almost zero maintenance costs, constituting VR a cost-effective solution. During the training, the omission of instructors, dedicated facilities and equipment and in some cases, travel expenses, make VR the ideal choice for continuous cost-effective training.
  3. Scalability: The repeatability of the use of the VR training along with its ability to accommodate as many users as needed, make it the perfect choice for large organizations with repeated training needs.
  4. Real-time feedback: While training in VR, the user can receive real-time, data driven feedback, informing them of their mistakes in a precise and time-effective manner.
  5. Safety: One important aspect, especially for high-risk situations, is the safety training through VR offers. Trainees can practice their skills without worrying for themselves or for the consequences of their actions.

Taking into account the facts presented above, it is not difficult to argue that when it comes to the comparison between traditional and VR training, the choice is not that hard after all. VR outperforms traditional training with its many advantages, offering efficiency in the learning process.

In ATS, all the advantages of VR training become apparent, combined with even more decreased costs for their creation.

Train like a Hero with ATS today!